July 18. Chris visits Byron in London

July 18. Chris visits Byron in London

chrisandrewHi my beautiful Byron,

Today’s first picture is me is a selfie I took with Chris last week in Newport Beach. Chris came and spent two weeks with me. To talk about stuff. He is your godfather and is extremely worried about you not being allowed to see me, or anyone else for that matter because of Adler/Amlot and O’Leary.

Chris decided to fly to England to talk to you. He called Adler. He emailed Adler and he texted Adler. He called Adler’s office. Nothing. No reply. So he flew to England to see you. He was that determined.

….The letter is no longer archived here. The entire content of Letters to Byron is a book, available in Paperback or Kindle.

Andrew in Amsterdam. 1986

Andrew in Amsterdam. 1986
